“But as many as received him. To them He gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name”

(John 1:12)


 The word of God is clear, ‘To EVERYTHING there is a SEASON, a TIME for EVERY PURPOSE under heaven’.  We like to do things when we think it is the right time and we like to see things finished when we think it is time. We have our own season and time for everything under heaven but God has His! We may be in a hurry but God is not and never will be. We get disappointed when things don’t work out within our time frame, but we need to understand that nothing is in our hands and God is not compelled to move within our time frame. He is God. He never changes. He will not change His time because we have our time limit. He will not change even if we fast and pray! He may let us have some things if we push too much for it, but that will only cause us trouble, pain and destruction. Ecclesiastes 3 :1-8, 11 says,

       1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
2  A time to be born, And a time to die;

A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted;
3   A time to kill, And a time to heal;

A time to break down, And a time to build up;
4  A time to weep, And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, And a time to dance;
           5  A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
6  A time to gain, And a time to lose;
A time to keep, And a time to throw away;
7   A time to tear, And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, And a time to speak;
8   A time to love, And a time to hate;
A time of war, And a time of peace…

            11 He has made everything beautiful in its time…..

God is wiser and smarter than us! He has a better perspective on everything concerning our lives and the whole world itself, so, it’s best to leave everything for His time.


God has a time for everything because His purpose is not only to finish things off but His purpose is to make every single thing beautiful. His purpose is to make every bit of our lives beautiful. Verse 11 says ‘He HAS MADE everything beautiful… in its time’, that means that everything will be as beautiful as it should be…but…ONLY in its time! We cannot be perfect but if at this moment our lives are as it should be for now, then, it is beautiful in God’s eyes. It might seem to us as broken, shattered, incomplete and imperfect. It might look in our eyes as filled with failures, weaknesses and ugly; but God says ‘It is beautiful… in its time’. Even to our last breath we will only be able to see our imperfections and complain if we do not understand what God is doing in us and what He means when the word says, ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time’. The imperfections we have today are not His focus; if today we can focus on Him and do what He requires of us today… it will be a beautiful thing to Him.

A father does not look at His growing child and complain that the child is imperfect but rather enjoys seeing the child grow day after day, month after month, year after year. He does correct certain things that seem to be wrong, in order to build up the child, but he does not insult or mock the child because he cannot do something. He does not give up on the child because he fails on a few occasions. He knows that it’s all just a part of growing up. We do not expect a just born child to start walking or talking immediately, it has limitations… but it is beautiful as it is, because it is doing what it should in its time. We have stages of growth in spiritual life just as a child has its stages of growth from childhood to adulthood. If we are doing what God expects of us now, it is enough. We need not be able to do what someone else is doing; we are not in competition with our brothers and sisters! And God is not in the business of comparing one to another but He is busy building each one of us individually, fashioning us and shaping us according to His divine plan, in His own time. He has made our present beautiful and He will, without fail make our future very beautiful because He is working on it and in its time He will do it.


God could have sent the Jesus into the world as soon as Adam and Eve had sinned, but He did not do that. He could have sent Him in 2yrs or 20yrs or may be at most in 200yrs, but no! … HE took more than 2000 years!!! God took time for the most important thing that man ever needed – SALVATION. He was not in a hurry! If our Father needed to be in a hurry for anything, it was for our salvation, but He wasn’t; He planned it and prepared the people of the world for it by sending His prophets and His servants, and Jesus came into the world, the Bible says, only in the fullness of time.

Anytime you are troubled about things not working out for you and you begin to doubt, just look up at Jesus and understand that as God sent Him into the world at the right time, He will also work for you at the right time. He is never late and He will never be early either! Don’t tell Him which the right time is – He is God – He knows better! He has an appointed time for you for everything, and in the meantime, He is patiently planning and preparing you for the purpose for which He created you. You don’t have to look at your past or your present and complain about the failures and mistakes and the things that could have been; if you offer it all to Him and wait for Him, He will use all of it for His purpose in your life. Don’t wonder as to how it is possible and how He will make things possible, just leave it to Him – He is God – He knows how to do it.  All the circumstances, situations and difficulties you have gone through in your life, will be used by God to shape you for your life’s purpose. He has seen your entire life, all that you have been through, nothing has escaped His eyes, and in time, He will show you that all of that was for a very specific purpose.

As Eccl 3 :2 -8 says, there is a time when He brought us into the world – He did not take our permission for it – and there is a time when He will take us out of this world – He will not take our permission for it! There is a time when He plants certain things in us and a time when He will pull out things that are not required. There is a time when He kills, brings to death and breaks down things of the flesh and the world in us – that which stands against His purpose – and it will hurt us and pain us, but He will also heal and build us up in the spirit once His work in us is complete and that will bring us tremendous joy. There is a time when we will feel Him embrace us and touch us when we need it but also a time when we will not feel His embrace and touch, because He wants us to walk by faith and not by sight. There is a time when He wants us to speak up but also, more importantly, a time when He expects us to remain silent. Proverbs 29:20 says,

‘Do you see a man who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for him’,

So, it’s good to be patient and open our mouths only at the right time!

If God sent Jesus into the world in the fullness of time, He is surely going to complete every single work in your life in the fullness of time. He will answer every one of your prayers in the fullness of time. He will give you the promotion you want in the fullness of time. Your marriage will be done in the fullness of time. People you are praying for will come to know Jesus in the fullness of time. Your deliverance will come in the fullness of time. Your healing will come in the fullness of time. All of His will will come to pass in your life …but only in His time, in the fullness of time.

Do not hurry up anything. Do not be restless about doing something. Do not be anxious. Wait upon your Father, be patient and pray for His will. Once you are sure something is in His will then wait for His perfect time. The bible says in Proverbs 19:2,

‘…nor to be hasty and  miss the way’ (NIV).

If God’s will is done in God’s time then you can be sure that you will not miss the way. In Psalms 31:15 the bible says,

‘…I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand’.

We will do well to understand this and just TRUST GOD and WAIT UPON HIM.  He can see our past, our present and our future… let’s trust Him and leave things in His loving hands!