‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.’

(Revelation 3:20)


It is simple logic: two people together can achieve more than one person by himself. And if the second person happens to be God Almighty, then, there are no limits to how much can be accomplished! And so, it’s just a wise decision to receive Him into your life!

God is a person and can be either received into your life or rejected. He is not just a power or spirit or a consciousness; He is a person. He has revealed himself through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God. He came to the earth with the sole purpose of revealing God the Father to us, and to restore every human being’s relationship back to God. He did this by living a sinless life and dying on the cross as a substitute (punishment) for our sins. Now if we repent of our sin and believe in what Jesus did for us, then we begin to have a relationship with God, God becomes our Father, and we become His children.

Receiving him means to believe Him as your only Savior and allowing him into your life. It means to allow a person into your life, the most powerful person in the entire universe into your life. It means to make Him the master over your life and to give Him full control over your life in such a way that you listen to Him make decisions based on what He says.

Receiving him into your life will completely transform you. Your life will turn around, you will be made new. You will have new wisdom and fresh insight into life. And, more important than anything else, receiving Jesus is the first step to eternal life in heaven.



  1. Acknowledge that you have sinned and repent of your sin. (Not sure you have sinned! Check your life against the commandments of God : The Ten Commandments)
    2. Understand that your goodness is not good enough before God and it cannot wash away your sin, nothing in this world can, only the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
    3. Recognize and acknowledge Jesus as your savior and believe in him. He died for you and shed His blood for the forgiveness of all your sin. He is your savior.
    4. Welcome him into your life as you would welcome someone into your house and ask him to always be with you.


Jesus said in the Bible in Revelation 3:20: ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.’




Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God,

I believe you died for me on the cross and shed your Blood for my salvation.

I believe you rose from the dead and ascended to heaven,

I believe you are coming back to the earth again.

Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. Forgive my sin.

Cleanse me now with your precious blood.

Come into my heart save my soul right now. I give you my life.

I receive you right now as my savior, my Lord and my God.

I am yours forever, and I will serve you and follow you for the rest of my days.

From this moment on, I belong to you only. I no longer belong to the world, to the devil or to sin.

I proclaim Jesus is my Lord. Heaven is my home and I am born again. Amen.

By praying this prayer, confessing your sins and receiving Jesus into your life, God has given you the right to become His child. The Bible gives you this assurance in John 1:12: “But as many as received him. To them He gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name”